Kirbapeal started part time in 2016. Jason was looking for a business to start to make sure he wasn’t working away from home for extended periods of time.
It all began with an idea and small tax return. We bought our first work trailer, and pressure washing equipment in the spring of 2016, working part time. By 2017, we had a 750% growth and went full time with Kirbapeal.
We have grown every year, always adding new services and hiring more people. We went from starting in garage and doing small residential jobs, to having an office, shop, multiple employees and incorporating large condominium projects. Whether you need a small house done, thousands of windows cleaned, or driveway and parking lots maintained, we are here, ready to service you.
The Exterior Cleaning Company.
We Offer Residential And
Commercial Cleaning Services
All With Free Estimates.
Serving Medicine Hat.
The Exterior Cleaning Company.
We Offer Residential And
Commercial Cleaning Services
All With Free Estimates.
Serving Medicine Hat.